Day 37, September 23, 2002.

The last day

Monday. The last day. We stuffed all our belongings back in our suitcases again, cleaned the camper and hang around Ellie's place until we had to drop our camper before 17:00 our. Our plane left at 22:15 so it was going to be a long day. We went at 3 o'clock to Maui in Sydney because it was a long drive, and we had to look for it, eventually we made it. Ellie drove in front of us and after we dropped the camper ( we drove 2758 km) we got into her car. We filled Ellie's car with fuel and drove to the airport. Ellie and Hellen stayed with us till about 8 o'clock. We had a cup of coffee and said goodbye, that was pretty heavy because we had a great week at her place.  Ittie needed something to smoke but 50 grams of Drum cost $ 20,00 overhere, that was much to expensive for her. We bought the cheapest cigarettes, so she had something to smoke. The flight was long and heavy, in Singapore we had to wait for 1 our, and on Heathrow we had to stay for 4 ours. Tuesday at 18:00 our we arrived at Schiphol and we were picked up by Ittie's Daughter Marcelle. She drove us to Leeuwarden. Tired but satisfied we look back on a great holiday and we promised ourselves to go back to Australia within 5 years.

We hope you enjoyed our travel story, it was a shame that our notebook was broken but now you are updated with our journey anyway.

Catharines en Ittie. 

Flying above Rusia

Flying above Rusia

In the waiting room above Heathrow

In the waiting room above Heathrow

Landed on Heathrow




